OTAP News: Number 6 - Archive Projects

From Walter@u.washington.edu Tue Sep 10 12:12:18 2002
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 06:47:55 -0700
From: Walter Andrews
Subject: Newsletter 9/10

Dear members of the OTAP mailing list,

With the help of many of you, we are making great progress in the development of the Ottoman Texts Archive and related projects. Some points of major interest follow:

We urge other scholars, advanced graduate students, and researchers to add their texts to the archive. We will be glad to assist in producing properly formatted print versions of any texts we receive. Because the Archive is presently heavily weighted toward literary texts, it is crucial that we begin receiving a broader range of texts from histories, to tales, to archival documents, to philosophical, legal, and religious texts.

Very best wishes from OTAP,

Walter G. Andrews

Department of Near Eastern Languages
and Civilization
Box 353120
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
OTAP Website: http://depts.washington.edu/otap
