OTAP News: Number 8 - For Mac Users

From Walter@u.washington.edu Wed Oct 16 07:34:08 2002
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 05:34:31 -0700
From: Walter Andrews
Subject: News for Mac Users

Dear OTAP Group,

This is a follow up to the previous message about using the Mac to access the OTAP website. We are looking into ways to adapt to the fact that pre-OS X Macs cannot handle Unicode. While that is going on we are displaying some of our texts as PDF or GIF files. In order to view the texts as PDF files, you will need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be done for free at the Adobe Website. The GIF files can be accessed directly. We would love to hear if this is working for you.

It is also important to note that no matter what kind of computer hardware or software you are using, our system allows you to submit transcribed texts to be published under your name on the OTAP website. We will provide simple instructions. Just contact me (or my assistant Didem Havlioglu) (in Turkish or English) and we will show you what to do.

Our best wishes,

Walter G. Andrews

Department of Near Eastern Languages
and Civilization
Box 353120
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
OTAP Website: http://depts.washington.edu/otap
