The Ottoman Archive Project
An Introduction
The following is a documentation of a section of poetry from an old Ottoman text. To better view the context and development of this work through history, we have contructed a simple archiving method for this purpose. In each of the stanzas of this poem, there are links to three images of the same text: Ayasofya, image2, and image3. Below are the three images that we archived:
The Text
cānā yeter bū cānuma cevr ū cefālar īt
zecrīse cāna ancaḳ olā gel vefālar īt
Image 2
Image 3
sen evīne gel raḳībile ẖōş ẖōş ṣafālar īt
Image 2
Image 3
ʿāşıḳlarūñı bī güneh öldürme dōstum
öldür raḳībī kāfirī bārī ġazālar īt
Image 2
Image 3
luṭfīle ḳıl ʿilāc bügün ey ṭabīb·i cān
dil ẖastedir fırāḳuñla gel devālar īt
Image 2
Image 3
şīrīn lebile āġzuña sökmüş ey mihrī yār
ʿömrī çōġ olsun el götür imdī duʿālar īt
Image 2
Image 3