Advanced Interface Reference



The advanced interface has additional features previously not available in the original text analysis tool.  In the new interface you can define a range within the text you would like to search,  input more than one word/phrase to search, make case-sensitive searches, search multiple documents at the same time, and have the option to save your results.



Display UTF-8: If this option is checked, the results will be display using the UTF-8 version of the character from Diagraph Chart. For a list of  the diagraphs used, click here.


Search Range

Poem: Collection of couplets within a document identified by a number.  For example, the Necātī  document has six hundred fifty poems labeled 1-650.

Couplet: Subdivision of a poem, usually two lines with rhyming characteristics, identified by a number.  For example, the first poem in the Necātī document has five couplets labeled 1-5.

Hemistich: Subdivision of a couplet, one line of text, identified by a letter.  For example, the fifth couplet in the second poem in the Necātī document has two hemistiches labeled  a and b.



The text section is separated in to two sections.  The first section contains a textbox for user input.  Users can input a word, a partial word, pattern of characters, a single letter, or a number.  The second section has options on how the inputted text should be handled.

exact: Will only return results with words that match exactly the inputted text.  For example, searching the characters "kim" using the exact option will return results that contained the word "kim", but would not return results including the word "kimem".

partial: Will include any instance of the inputted character pattern.  For example, searching the characters "boy" using the partial option may return words containing that string pattern, including "boyni" and "boyi".

begins with: Will only return results with words that begin exactly the inputted text.  For example, searching the characters "kim" using the begins with option will return results that start with that character pattern "kimem", but would not return results including the word "ilekim".

ends with: Will only return results with words that end exactly the inputted text.  For example, searching the characters "kim" using the ends with option will return results that end with that character pattern "ilekim", but would not return results including the word "kimem".

If more than one input textbox is used, the tool will only return results that include all of the texts inputted in the selected range.  For example, If you entered "kimem" in textbox one, "boyni" in textbox two, and selected "Poem" as the search range option, the tool would return all poems that included both words "kimem" and "boyni".  The tool would not return poems that  included "kimem" but did not include "boyni".



 The Document section displays a list of the available texts to search.  The user can select one or more texts from the list.  To select multiple texts, hold the CTRL-key while selecting the texts with mouse pointer.



Submit Query: Using this submission button, the tool return results using all the available options in the tool interface.