Revānī (Şücā)

Başlık/Title: Revāni Divanı
Yazar/Author: Revāni (Şücā)
Editör/Editor: Mehmet Çavuşoğlu
Edisyon/Edition: Elektronik edisyon/Electronic edition
Sorumluluk/Responsibility: OTAP
Kapsam/Extent: Dibace, Kasideler, Musammatlar, Gazeller
Yayıncı/Publisher: OTAP
Yazılış tarihi/Date of composition: d.1524
Basılış tarihi/Date of print publication:
Telif/Copyright: OTAP
Notlar/Notes: Final editing by Mehmet Çavuşoğlu, Walter Andrews and Ali Tanyeri. Tarlan published some poems taken from poetry journals, in his book Şiir mecmualarında XVI ve XVII. asır divan şiiri
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Revānī (Şücā)

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